How to Prepare Your Space for a Party

party, space, people, gathering

It’s party season, with the weather warming up, it’s bringing all the people out of their homes to socialize. So, with spring/summer party season here, do you really know how to transform that space as a party space? Let North Shore Mini Storage show you how.

Transform Your Space into a Party Space

There doesn’t need to be a good reason for a party, just make sure your space is up to the task.

Walk a Mile in Your Guests Shoes

That’s right, take the perspective of a guest to your party. Have a walk around the space you plan to use, living room, patio or kitchen and try and get a new first impression. Is there a lot of clutter? Can you find the amenities easily? Is there a space dedicated to food? Asking these questions will help you in planning.


People like to walk around during parties and mingle. So creating some extra space in your party area is key. You can move items from one area to another or rent a local self storage unit dedicated to party decluttering.

It’s The Small Things

You may not notice the finer details, but your guests sure do. Things from fancy placeholders, napkins, fresh soap in the bathroom etc. Make sure to really go into detail and make your guests want to come back.

Clean and Clean Again

Polish up everything, from spoons to window sills. Brighten up as much as you’re to really get a great first impression. Even the light bulbs could probably use a good dusting. So get cleaning and polishing like mad.

We hope this party season is a success for you and your friends. If you have any tips for us, leave a comment below. PS. Don’t forget the party favors and collect everyone’s keys should there be drinking.

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