Things to do Before You Move in Together

couple, embrace, view point

The decision to move in with someone is a big step in any relationship. Many couples and friends alike are choosing this route as the financial benefit is vast. North Shore Mini Storage has put together some tips if you are taking the plunge.

Do These Things Before You Live Together

1. Plan your space

limited space puts a strain on relationships. Make sure before you decide to move in together that there is enough space and that each understands what is theirs. Discuss beforehand what items you will be bringing. Many people will have duplicate items, taking up valuable space, in some cases you only need one of the items for the living space. This being said, do not toss away any of your items, but store them somewhere else, relationships do end and you might need these items again.

2. Use storage!

Don’t part with all your possessions. Keep your childhood keepsakes off-site, keep anything that isn’t essential to your day to day off-site. Having useless items lying around can use serious strain on some relationships, especially when there is limited space. Self storage units have helped to ease space-related tensions for decades!

3. Be courteous

Be aware of your living partner’s feelings. Some may have certain items that have sentimental value, not everything has to be essential. Some even may bring items from past relationships with them. Don’t judge too harshly, people like to remember the past…sometimes. Often times a strain will build by a lack of personal space, this can stem from not being used to sharing a bed or bedroom 24/7. If you think that being apart might bring you together, you need to read this great article.

As always, North Shore Mini Storage is here if you need some emergency storage due to a partner hating that certain statue you brought with you.



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