Self Storage & Real Estate: A Match Made in Heaven

real estate, homes, yards

Business between a Self Storage company and a real estate company is symbiotic. One helps the other, but how, you might ask? Well, it’s simple really, and let North Shore Mini Storage tell you how.

Real Estate & Self Storage

People Move

People buy homes, sell homes, and this is good news for BOTH of us. As a business, you as a realtor has the job of finding homes for clients and selling their current ones. In essence, it’s your job to ensure the maximum happiness and convenience of your clients. Well, what do they do with all their stuff? They need a place to store it, and that’s where we come along, you refer those clients with the need for storage to us, and we refer clients to you, a perfect harmony.

You Need Storage

As a business, you have business items, signage, posters, house props for those staged homes. You may not have a proper place to store everything you need. This is why you should use our self storage facility. Rent a locker, store your signage and come and retrieve your items as much as you want with very flexible access hours. Sounds good to you? Give our experts a call, and we will be sure to work out a great deal!

Earn Additional Income

Since you as a realtor have clients that are oftentimes looking for places to store household items between moves etc… You are the first line of contact, assuming they trust you to sell or buy their home, your word holds a lot of value. For each person, you refer, we would be more than happy to possibly set up a referral system.

Does all this sound great to you? It does to us, give us a call to find out more. As always, North Shore Mini Storage is North Vancouver’s number 1 choice for business storage.

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